Saturday, January 28, 2012


Yesterday, we went on our Consular Leadership Day to the waterfalls in the Pine Ridge Mountains.  This is the first time I have really explored this unique part of Belize.  As the name suggests, the area is mountainous (by Belize standards) and there are Pine trees, which you don't really see anywhere else.  Unfortunately, the road in and out is awful, so most people don't get there very often.

The first view of the Five Sisters Falls from the restaurant

A closer view of the upper part of the Falls

The lowest part of the Falls - 290 steps down from where we started.

Me with the local staff.  I could not do my job without them.

Karla and I climbed up the rocks a bit

1000 Foot Falls - can't even see the bottom
The Consular Section

1 comment:

  1. I am an FSO hopeful who found your blog through a bundled FSO feed! I've enjoyed your posts and as a former Nebraska girl I thought I'd drop you a line. We will be vacationing in Belize in May with friends and I feel like I should offer to bring in Dr Pepper or bread ties for you. ;). Instead I'll just say thanks for sharing and for mentioning Lil Alphonse!
