Friday, January 10, 2025

2025 Goals

I spent some time trying to think of a "word" for this year and I couldn't really think of anything that fit or inspired me.  I see the year ahead with a move and three jobs and the only thing I can think about is being exhausted (kids not going back school for three days and 2 hours may be fueling this feeling.  So, my word for 2025 is "exhaustion."  It's not inspirational or motivational, but just a real description of where I am and where I see this year.

2025 Goals


Work Goals

During 2025, I will finish my current detail to work on a project that I started last year, complete 16 weeks of Portuguese training, and start my new job in Rio.  Keeping my head above water for all this transition will be considered “success.”

  • -          Get a 3 in Portuguese on the first try
  • -          Complete the pilot for my work project and leave the project in a position to be carried forward.
  • -          Get settled into my new role in Rio.


Exercise Goals

  • -          Complete two Peloton challenges
  • -          Complete one thirty day Peloton streak


Personal Goals

  • -          Develop a habit of wearing my new glasses.  I got glasses for the first time in my life and I am struggling with wearing them so far.  I don’t need them for close up stuff and they bother me a little when I wear them otherwise… so we will see (pun intended)
  • -          Travel to three new places
  • -          Join/start a board game group in Brazil
  • -          Teach all three kids to ride a bike
  • -          Teach older two boys to tie their shoes
  • -          Get an ELO rating of 350 or greater on Ark Nova (Board Game Arena)
  • -          Read 14 books

Monday, December 30, 2024

2024 recap

2024 has been a whirlwind year with lots of changes as we left Mexico and moved to Virginia.  It has been tough at times, but other times have been great.

Profesional goals

- Complete my TN project.
    I worked really hard on this project and got everyone on board that needed to be.  We successfully implemented it and truly changed the policy in this area.  I was very proud of the work we accomplished.  I have since learned that they basically undid everything after I left, but I am choosing to ignore that part.
- Complete my auto hot key project
    Similar situation to the TN project, but with perhaps a little more long-lasting impact.  My successors made a few changes after I left, but did not destroy the underlying elements of the program.
- Find an interesting bridge assignment in Washington
    Yes.  I am working on a project that we created with the Harvard program I did the year before.  

Exercise goals
- complete two power zone challenges on Peloton
- bike 5,000 minutes on Peloton
- keep my weekly Peloton streak going while on home leave
- find a workable exercise routine when back in DC

Travel goals
- take an adults only trip
    Sara and I took an amazing trip to San Miguel de Allende without the kids and it was awesome.
- visit at least one of the cute central Mexican towns like San Miguel se Allende or Guanajuato 
    Yes - to SMA
- plan a fun, enjoyable home leave vacation 
    We had a great home leave in the Midwest with visits in Omaha and Saint Louis, plus time in Texas and Virginia.  I got to see lots of family and friends and even sent my kids to the same day camp that I went to as a kid and they LOVED it.
- visit New York City 🏙️ 
    We spent four days in NYC in the beginning of November.  About 80% of the trip was 10/10.  Highlights include seeing Hadestown on Broadway (which the kids loved), a boat cruise around Manhattan, and going up the Empire State Building.  About 20% of the trip was 1/10 as the kids complained about walking or said they were bored or wanted to watch TV in our (tiny) hotel room.

Personal goals 
- manage/limit the stress of the transition 
    The transition was hard.  Harder than I expected/hoped, but not necessarily in surprising ways.  Its hard to move for anyone and really hard for kids.  And while our kids had moved before this was the first time they really understood what was going on.
- honor the end of our time in Mexico 🇲🇽 Give the kids time and space to say goodbye to their friends. 
    I think we managed this with special events to say goodbye to friends and classmates.  It was good to do, but it was also hard as each goodbye was painful and then not always at the end.
- see fall leaves 🍁 
- visit a pumpkin patch 🎃 
    Yes - went to at least two
- attend at least one football game 🏈 
    I went to the Nebraska-USC game with my cousin in LA and the Alamo Bowl with the kids this week.
- attend a concert 🎶 
    Counting Crows in St. Louis with Sara and older boys
    Bruce Springsteen in Baltimore with Sara
- see my Dad and Sara’s mom at least three times each
    Yes, we met this goal!
- read 20 books 
    Working from home cut down on my reading a ton because I lost my morning commute audiobook time.  Now that I am reading longer books with the kids aloud, I have decided I can count these two.  So with that, I read 14 books this year.

Top books were
My Antonia by Willa Cather
The Great Brain series by John D Fitzgerald

Monday, January 1, 2024

2024 Goals

Each year, Sara and I identify a word which I try to make my mantra for the year.  The word (ideally) pushes me toward a destination.  Motivates me.  Inspires me.  Some years, it works.  Other years, it falls flat.  But each word lets me reflect on the journey I have had and the journey to come.

2023 - Explore
2022 - Inhabit
2021 - Support
2020 - Elect
2019 - Gratitude
2018 - Juggle
2017 - Survive
2016 - Support

2024 will bring us back to another year of transition. We will move from Guadalajara this summer and then spend a year back in Northern Virginia. The logistics of it all is overwhelming. We have to find a school, daycare, short-term rental house, long-term rental house, organize a month-long home leave, buy a car, transport Parker, before-care, after-care, extracurriculars, figure out commutes and work from home options. I have to figure out a bridge assignment to fill the time between arriving back in DC and starting Portuguese in 2025. 

It’s a year of transition and movement. Looking back at our prior transition years and seeing words like support (x2) and juggle.  I’m going to take a slightly different tact this year and choose the word “move.”  It obviously has the connection to our move back to DC, but also will (hopefully) inspire me to getting moving more in my day to day life. 

This years goals. 

Profesional goals
- Complete my TN project
- Complete my auto hot key project
- Find an interesting bridge assignment in Washington

Exercise goals
- complete two power zone challenges on Peloton
- bike 5,000 minutes on Peloton
- keep my weekly Peloton streak going while on home leave
- find a workable exercise routine when back in DC

Travel goals
- take an adults only trip
- visit at least one of the cute central Mexican towns like San Miguel se Allende or Guanajuato 
- plan a fun, enjoyable home leave vacation 
- visit New York City 🏙️ 

Personal goals 
- manage/limit the stress of the transition 
- honor the end of our time in Mexico 🇲🇽 Give the kids time and space to say goodbye to their friends. 
- see fall leaves 🍁 
- visit a pumpkin patch 🎃 
- attend at least one football game 🏈 
- attend a concert 🎶 
- see my Dad and Sara’s mom at least three times each
- read 20 books