Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New Car and running update

Bought a new (used) car last week.  A 2011 Toyota Corolla with 15,000 miles.  Still haven't named the car yet.  Thought about trying to find a cool German name, but haven't made a decision yet.

In running news, I am still running.  Yesterday was by far my hardest/worst run.  The program called for me to walk 5, jog 5, walk 2, jog 7, walk 2, jog 5, walk 6.  During the 7-minute jog, I began to develop a back ache in my lower right back.  I really struggled through the last two minutes and the final 5-minute jog.  Based on facebook suggestions, I went out and bought a new pair of running shoes today.  (By the way, if you want to determine if people actually read your facebook posts, ask for advice about running.  If you receive fewer than 10 comments, people aren't reading them.)

I am planning to run a 5k race sometime this fall.  I think I know which race I will do, but I am waiting until I sign up to announce it here.  As you will see in the statistics below, I may have lost a few pounds, but I can't really tell.  My weight fluctuates too much during the day and I don't remember when I weighed myself for the initial weigh in.  Let's see if it keeps going down before we make any conclusions about whether or not this is working.

Statistics - Week 5:
Weight - 280 lbs (weighed on a Tuesday morning before breakfast)
Pants - 42 x 30
Longest run: 7 minutes

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